--- title: "Four-dimensional torus knots" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2024-05-13' tags: R, maths, rgl, geometry rbloggers: yes output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: highlight: kate keep_md: no highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- Here is a parameterization of a four-dimensional torus knot: $$ p(\theta, \phi) = \begin{pmatrix} \cos\theta \cdot \cos\phi \\ \cos\theta \cdot \sin\phi \\ \sin\theta \cdot \cos 3\phi/2 \\ \sin\theta \cdot \cos 3\phi/2 \end{pmatrix} $$ It takes its values in the 3-sphere. We use the stereographic projection to project from the 3-sphere to the three-dimensional space, and then we will try to visualize the stereographic projection of this knot. ``` r trefoil4D <- function(theta, phi) { cbind( cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta) * cos(1.5*phi), sin(theta) * sin(1.5*phi) ) } trefoil3D <- function(theta, phi) { q <- trefoil4D(theta, phi) q[, c(1L,2L,3L)] / (1 - q[, 4L]) } ``` One possible way to visualize it consists in plotting some tubes around the curves $\phi \mapsto \textrm{Stereo}\bigl(p(\theta, \phi)\bigr)$ for a series of values of $\theta$. ``` r library(rgl) # take 6 values of theta theta_ <- seq(0, by = 0.175, length.out = 6L) # phi ranges from 0 to 4*pi phi_ <- seq(0, 4*pi, length.out = 400L) # plot open3d(windowRect = 50 + c(0, 0, 512, 512), zoom = 0.95) for(theta in theta_) { pts <- trefoil3D(theta, phi_) tube <- addNormals( cylinder3d(pts, radius = 0.05, sides = 30), ) shade3d(tube, color = "navy") } ``` ![](./figures/TrefoilKnot4D_tubes.gif) Another way to visualize it consists in plotting again such tubes and to plot the surfaces between them, using alternating colors. But wait, I will comment that after displaying this plot. I use the `parametricMesh` function of the [**cgalMeshes** package](https://github.com/stla/cgalMeshes) to create the meshes of the surfaces (this package has been archived on CRAN but hopefully it will be back soon). ``` r library(cgalMeshes) # tubes phi_ <- seq(0, 4*pi, length.out = 400L) pts <- trefoil3D(pi/12, phi_) tube1 <- addNormals( cylinder3d(pts, radius = 0.05, sides = 30), ) pts <- trefoil3D(pi/6, phi_) tube2 <- addNormals( cylinder3d(pts, radius = 0.05, sides = 30), ) pts <- trefoil3D(pi/4, phi_) tube3 <- addNormals( cylinder3d(pts, radius = 0.05, sides = 30), ) # surfaces; we need to transpose in order to use `parametricMesh` trefoil <- function(theta, phi) { t(trefoil3D(theta, phi)) } mesh1 <- addNormals(parametricMesh( trefoil, c(0, pi/12), c(0, 4*pi), periodic = c(FALSE, TRUE), nu = 50L, nv = 600L )) mesh2 <- addNormals(parametricMesh( trefoil, c(pi/12, pi/6), c(0, 4*pi), periodic = c(FALSE, TRUE), nu = 50L, nv = 600L )) mesh3 <- addNormals(parametricMesh( trefoil, c(pi/6, pi/4), c(0, 4*pi), periodic = c(FALSE, TRUE), nu = 50L, nv = 600L )) # plot open3d(windowRect = 50 + c(0, 0, 512, 512), zoom = 0.9) shade3d(mesh1, color = "navy") shade3d(mesh2, color = "yellow") shade3d(mesh3, color = "navy") shade3d(tube1, color = "darkred") shade3d(tube2, color = "darkred") shade3d(tube3, color = "darkred") ``` ![](./figures/TrefoilKnot4D_fillings.gif) Now here is my promised comment. Do you notice something strange? I said we will fill the surfaces between the tubes. However there are three tubes and there are three surfaces. Go to [this gist](https://gist.github.com/stla/74e14eeac39d75d1bc1945c7cb1fd54e) if you want to play with other four-dimensional torus knots.